Why enter

Here are just some of the reasons why you should enter the H&V News Awards.

  • Generate more sales and win new customers! The H&V News Awards are the largest in the industry so winning an award will get your company in front of hundreds of your potential customers, giving you fantastic brand exposure. Show the entire industry why you are the best in your field.
  • Coverage within H&V News, hvnplus.co.uk, handvawards.com and the H&V News Twitter and LinkedIn groups will put you in front of more than 20,000+ readers and followers. Plus, the awards website offers year-round exposure, as we always list the previous year’s winners. There is no other way to gain such wide ranging press coverage without considerable cost.
  • Have your entry rigorously tested by a panel of experts- each entry will be assessed by an independent group of judges, selected for their expertise and experience. A trophy from these folk is an endorsement to be proud of!
  • Reward your team, improve retention and attract the best - this is a fantastic opportunity to show your staff how much you value their hard work and also, being an award winning company makes it easier to recruit!
  • Finally – it’s free to enter, so what have you got to lose? Entry is all online and can be easily done in 15 minutes but if you do need help, our entries team can talk you through each step.

Enter now

To register and start your entry, please use the button below. If you have previously started, please login on the right-hand side.

We would advise completing your entry in Word or a similar programme first before copying and pasting into the entry form.

If you need help with your entry or require any clarification, please contact Muyiwa Adebiyi
+44 (0)203 953 2958

The winners will be announced at London Metropole on 28 November 2024.


Company and Individual Awards 

Nominations are invited from all building services companies and appropriate educational establishments. Entrants must be 21 years of age or under and able to demonstrate both academic and practical prowess during 2023-24. Our judges welcome clear examples of the apprentice’s initiative and wider contribution to the success of projects they have worked on.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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Nominations are invited from all building services companies and appropriate educational establishments. Entrants must be over the age of 21 and able to demonstrate both academic and practical prowess during 2023-24. Our judges welcome clear examples of the apprentice’s initiative and wider contribution to the success of projects they have worked on.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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This category recognises the organisations responsible for the design, installation and management of the critical HVAC systems that are increasingly at the heart of an industry drive for safer buildings.  This work is crucial to help meet the recommendations made by Dame Judith Hackett in her Building a Safer Future report published as a result of the Grenfell Tower disaster.

Criteria should include the introduction of systems and processes which demonstrate that the safety of the ultimate occupants of the building has been taken into account at every stage of a project, illustrating how effective HVAC systems are being delivered as part of a holistic building design approach.

Judges will be looking for how competence is evidenced in the installation, testing, validation and maintenance of a building’s systems with the widder aim of introducing an audit trail created in support of the ‘Golden Thread’.

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This category is open to firms and individuals who undertook industrial/commercial building services installations during 2023-24. Evidence of improved competence and professionalism along with commercial success will be sought. Tangible results from the introduction of new initiatives must be shown. Companies will be judged by the level of innovation demonstrated, not by their size.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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This category is open to organisations throughout the HVAC industry and its supply chain that are able to demonstrate successful partnerships undertaken or expanded throughout 2023-24. The entry should demonstrate the benefits of the partnership to all the members of the supply chain and how it has successfully evolved or concluded, providing benefits such as improved productivity and profitability. entries should also reflect the cultural benefits associated with collaborations, such as early involvement of the supply chain in projects, improved communication and higher levels of service to partners and clients. Judges would like to see collaborations that go beyond the conventional customer-client relationship.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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The HVAC industry is looking to embrace news ways of thinking in a bid to build a highly skilled workforce that is better able to address some the main training challenges in creating a more efficient, sustainable and safe sector.  The Diversity and Inclusion Award aims to recognise a broad range of projects, awareness initiatives, as well as recruitment and training strategies with the aim to build awareness about the sector’s work and making the industry more attractive to join and build a career in.  In recent years, the award has recognised efforts to attract and support a larger number of women and individuals from ethnic minority backgrounds to pursue careers in HVAC, as well as initiatives that recognise the contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals to the development of the sector.

Our judges are looking for examples of both small and large-scale initiatives that demonstrate how the industry can be more visible and welcoming to individuals from a wider number of backgrounds. As witnessed in recent years, ‘diversity’ can also include ‘neurodiversity’ (‘thinking differently’).

In this category, the testimonials of colleagues or customers are important, describing the impact of the person or initiative.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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This category is open to all companies that have carried out residential heating installations for companies or organisations (as opposed to members of the public) during 2023-24. Evidence of improved competence and professionalism along with commercial success will be sought. Tangible results from the introduction of new initiatives must be shown. Companies will be judged by the level of innovation demonstrated, not by their size.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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Indoor Air Quality is an issue that has steadily increased in importance in recent years. The ongoing impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic and high-profile cases about the impact of poor air quality and the risks it poses to health through the formation of mould and damp are showing the high costs of bad practice. In response, this category seeks to underline the role of the HVAC sector in improving IAQ for building occupants by recognising products, projects or initiatives. Thus nominations are sought for entries that can demonstrate innovative technology; best practice; a campaign or initiative in 2023-2024 involving ventilation, air conditioning, air purification and cleaning, filtration, or monitoring and controls. Judges will be looking for evidence of the impact of the IAQ element – whether it is a technology with demonstrable results or a building project with a measurable effect on occupants.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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This category has been introduced in recognition of the government’s declared drive and legal targets to ensuring a low carbon transition by 2050. It seeks to recognise products, projects or policies that can significantly help reduce carbon emissions from the industry. Metrics for success can include carbon reduction, energy efficiency or Embodied Carbon, as well as work that can set groups or individuals on a path towards net zero.

Candidates should demonstrate via estimates or field data what the carbon reduction might be and the wider impacts of their work to the industry.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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Merchants will play a crucial part in the HVAC industry’s journey to becoming a low carbon sector, and this category seeks to celebrate their role at the heart of the supply chain. Nominations are welcome for campaigns or marketing initiatives; distribution, purchasing or logistics innovations; and technology developments. Judges will be looking for innovations that help the industry to decarbonise; to become more productive; more collaborative; or more cost-effective.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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Individuals or organisations are expected to highlight specific initiatives that have had a significant contribution to the health or safety of the workforce or of customers.  A ‘before and after’ comparison is welcomed in entries, so that the effect of the initiative can be fully demonstrated. The judges will be looking for real evidence of progress in any of the following areas:

Building services design; product manufacture or design; product installation, or application; the introduction of an innovative health and safety policy.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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This industry is notable for the contribution of a large number of small companies, but because they are not able to shout as loudly as the bigger companies, they do not always get the credit they deserve.

This awards aims to change that, by specifically highlighting the contribution of small companies – defined as those with under 50 employees.

The terms of this category are broad and can be entered by companies in all parts of the supply chain, provided they meet the size criteria. Judges are looking for evidence of all or most of the following: best practice; notable achievements; new initiatives; collaboration and innovation.  Companies will be judged on their achievements, not specifically on their size – i.e it doesn’t matter whether a company has 5 or 45 employees, it is the achievements and demonstratable impact on projects or work that counts.

Testimonials are always beneficial for this category from customers or collaborators.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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The continuous improvement of skills and competence is vital to the industry, so this category seeks to recognise new initiatives in training in its broadest sense. The entry should show the design, implementation and effect of the training initiative, backed up with statistical or other evidence such as an increase in profits or productivity. The category is open to all HVAC companies able to demonstrate a commitment to training in any area of the business during 2023-24.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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Product and Technology Awards 

In recognition of its popularity, our commercial product category is split this year.

It is open to manufacturers of HVAC products for both industrial and commercial building services applications, the judges will be looking for the product that delivers clear market impact in terms of performance, energy saving, emissions reduction and ‘useability’ - either for operators or engineers. The winning entry will be the one to demonstrate the best efficiencies and proven commercial success, showing that the industry has understood and embraced the technology. Endorsement by end users will be a useful addition to the main entry.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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In recognition of its popularity, our commercial product category is split this year.

It is open to manufacturers of HVAC products for both industrial and commercial building services applications, the judges will be looking for the product that delivers clear market impact in terms of performance, energy saving, emissions reduction and ‘useability’ - either for operators or engineers. The winning entry will be the one to demonstrate the best efficiencies and proven commercial success, showing that the industry has understood and embraced the technology. Endorsement by end users will be a useful addition to the main entry.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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In recognition of its popularity, our commercial product category is split this year.

It is open to manufacturers of HVAC products for both industrial and commercial building services applications, the judges will be looking for the product that delivers clear market impact in terms of performance, energy saving, emissions reduction and ‘useability’ - either for operators or engineers. The winning entry will be the one to demonstrate the best efficiencies and proven commercial success, showing that the industry has understood and embraced the technology. Endorsement by end users will be a useful addition to the main entry.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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This category is open to those supplying products designed to assist with air distribution for heating, cooling or fire safety. With construction methods such as Passivhaus becoming more common, combined with other requirements such as attaining BREEAM standards, the use of fans, ventilation systems and AHUs is an area of growing focus for many in the HVAC sector. Our judges welcome data or feedback that shows how a new technology is impacting a specific project or type of building.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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This category is open to manufacturers of products for the domestic market. Judges will look for genuine innovation or a novel application of an existing technology. Aesthetic effect (where relevant), efficiency and the demonstration of commercial success are further factors that may be taken into account. The product’s environmental credentials will be scrutinised closely, as well as its overall effectiveness and fitness for purpose. Third party evidence of performance also gains credit and is appreciated to help understand the benefits of an innovation.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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Open to manufacturers of ventilation products for the domestic market, this dedicated category has been introduced to highlight the important role of ventilation in Indoor Air Quality.  Judges hope to see genuine innovation or a novel application of existing technology to new markets. Our judges will also be looking for new technology and applications that can be transformative for the sector and the operation of buildings. Aesthetic effect (where relevant), efficiency and the demonstration of commercial success are further factors that may be taken into account. The product’s environmental credentials will be scrutinised closely, as well as its overall effectiveness and fitness for purpose. Third party evidence of performance also gains credit.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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Project Awards 

This category aims to award consultants and contractors for the highest standards of excellence in a single building services installation project – with a value under £1m. As well as packing a punch with tonnes of ‘wow’ factor, the winning entry will have demonstrated: how the project was completed to the original programme and within original budget. Entries can also share how specific problems, both technical and cultural, were overcome as the project progressed with regards to ensuring an exemplary safety record, excellent leadership, efficient use of resources and first-class quality management. There will also be a heavy weighting towards environmental considerations and how they were incorporated into the project. This should apply to projects undertaken between 1 January 2023 and 31 May 2024. Submissions are also welcomed from manufacturers, distributors and merchants, but these should be in association with the contractor and/or consultant concerned and limited to one entry. Please supply images with your entry where possible.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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We’re expanding this year’s project categories to account for a wider range or projects with the category looking for how specific problems, both technical and cultural, were overcome as work has progressed.

The judges will be looking for examples of how a project, and lessons taken from it, could be adapted across the wider industry as an example of effective building engineering. This should apply to projects undertaken between 1 January 2023 and 31 May 2024.

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A category for building service installation projects that demonstrate an exemplary safety record, excellent leadership, efficient use of resources and first-class quality management. The winning project in the category is not based on the most significant or largest scale project.  There will be heavy weighting towards environmental and training considerations and how they were incorporated into the project, as well as other examples of how the project could pave the way for other larger scale installations across the industry.

This should apply to projects undertaken between 1 January 2023 and 31 May 2024.

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There has been a considerable rise in the number of district heating projects in the UK and this looks set to continue in line with government targets. The District Heating Project of the Year will recognise both community and district heating projects that embrace a range of good practice, including design of the plant room/energy centre, laying of correctly sized and insulated pipe work and connection to heat interface units in the appropriate locations.  Issues of innovative controls and engagement with end users are also welcomed. Details of performance levels, carbon savings or reductions in fuel poverty will be well received by the judges. In addition to entries from contractors and consultants, submissions are also welcomed from manufacturers, distributors and merchants, but these should be in association with the contractor and/or consultant concerned.

Please supply images with your entry where possible, but please note that photographs cannot be returned.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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A category to recognise the importance of heat pumps to the low-carbon heating future. It is open to contractors, consultants and specialist installers who have carried out standout work on heat pumps systems. Judges will look for innovation linked to the design of systems and the use of components, as well as proven benefits in energy, cost and/or occupant impact from a project. The project’s environmental credentials will also be scrutinised closely. Submissions are also welcomed from manufacturers or distributors, but these should be in association with the contractor and/or consultant concerned and limited to one entry.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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This category would recognise contractors or projects that have demonstrated exceptional innovation in the use of technology and new construction methods within the building services industry. Criteria could include the development or adoption of modern working methods, such as factoring in the circular economy and off-site construction in the HVAC sector, as well as the use of cutting-edge digital tools or software to improve efficiency and safety to deliver quality in construction projects.

Judges would also welcome examples around the innovative use of eco-friendly and recycled materials, energy-efficient design solutions, waste reduction strategies, incorporation of renewable energy sources, and adherence to green building certifications such as BREEAM or LEED

This award would highlight advancements that push the boundaries of existing best practice about how technologies are being used as part of the wider building system and pave the way for the future of the built environment in the UK.

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By nomination only 

This accolade, revealed on the night of the Awards, is given to an individual or organisation selected by H&V News that has made a demonstratable impact on the sector that is worthy of wider recognition.

Qualifying period: 1 January 2023 – 31 May 2024

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